Rollofolie - Person bedient ein elektrisches Rollo

HAVERKAMP Roller blind films | Vertical blind films | Pleated films

Efficient heat and glare protection
Worldwide delivery as roll goods
Preservation of the view to the outside

Functional films for roller blinds, pleated blinds, vertical blinds and panel tracks

High-performance shade films (= shade curtains for variable sun protection systems) - optimum glare and sun protection for computer screen workstations

HAVERKAMP's shade films possess the heat and glare protection properties of classic sun protection films. TThe decisive factor is that the film materials can be used in variable sun shading systems. Thanks to HAVERKAMP's unique production technologies, they are manufactured with high-quality finishes.
HAVERKAMP film curtains meet the standards of the EU screen directive regarding light transmission and transparency for workplaces!

Blauer Himmel mit Wolken und der knalligen Sonne Blick durch einen plissierten und geprägten Rollofolienbehang in silber.

Function of the effective HAVERKAMP film hangings

HAVERKAMP shade films at a glance


  • Film widths: 1.52 m as well as 1.83 m (for certain film types)
  • For interior sun protection systems
  • Available as roll material
  • Can be used in all common systems
  • Very good glare, sun and heat protection
  • In various shades, embossings and pleats
  • The latest finishing technology
  • Included UV protection in all product types and variants
  • Contribute to energy saving
  • HAVERKAMP is certified according to ISO 9001:2000
  • Easy to process
  • Resistant to disinfectants
  • B1 flame retardant on request


Certified according to DNVGL


Preservation of see through

Meets EU directives for workplaces

Reduction of air conditioning costs

Improvement of the indoor climate

Illustration of the variants of HAVERKAMP film hangings

Folienbehang mit Zoom auf die glatte Fläche, an einem Fenster.
Smooth surface finish
Due to the smooth surface structure, the film material offers optimal transparency.
The smooth surface finish is optionally available in the Stabila folding variant.
Folienbehang mit Zoom auf die Diamantprägung an einem Fenster.
Diamond embossing: specially developed pyramid structure
The calender embossing enables a higher durability and insensitivity of the shade film.
The refined surface make the shade film resistant to annoying dust deposits and visible fingerprints.
The diamond embossing is optionally available in the folding variants Stabila and Wave.
Geprägt und plissierter Folienbehang mit Zoom auf die Zick-Zack-Plissierung, an einem Fenster.
Stabila: Pleating on both sides
In an unusual production process on the market, the shade film is pleated by two rollers. This creates the unmistakable "zigzag" look.
Both smooth and diamond embossed shade film can be refined by this production process.
Geprägt und plissierter Folienbehang an einem Fenster mit Zoom auf die Wave Plissierung.
Wave: one-sided stabilization
Stabilization on one side creates a particularly uniform and harmonious appearance. The arched curve of the film curtain creates a pleasantly harmonious room appearance.
Diamond embossed film hangings can be refined by wave stabilization.
B1 Folienbehang in einem Rollo
B1: Flame retardant film material
B1 film curtain is made of a specially certified film material, which is flame retardant according to building material class DIN 4102-B1. Therefore HAVERKAMP B1 shade films are particularly suitable for use in production facilities, public buildings, laboratories or regions with increased fire risk.

Available variants:
B1 - silver / grey 2R diamond Stabila
B1 - silver / grey 2R Diamant Wave
Ein Schiff mit Folienrollos in den Fenstern.
ST film hangings
HAVERKAMP has developed the DNVGL-certified ST series film hangings especially for use on ship bridges or airport towers.
Available ST film hangings:
grey / grey ST 2R
grey / grey ST 10R

Color variations

Geprägt und plissierte Rollofolie, sie ist auf der einen Seite silber und auf der anderen bronzefarben. silver / bronze Geprägt und plissierte Rollofolie. Sie ist auf der einen Seite silber und auf der anderen weiß. silver / white Geprägt und plissierte Rollofolie. Sie ist auf beiden Seiten silber. silver / silver
Geprägt und plissierte Rollofolie, sie ist auf der einen Seite silber und auf der anderen grau. silver / grey Geprägt und plissierte Rollofolie, sie ist auf beiden Seiten grau. grey / grey Geprägt und plissierte Rollofolie. Sie ist auf der einen Seite silber und auf der anderen schwarz. silver / black

Light transmission

The film curtain is almost 100% opaque.
Optimal use for glazing in all sky directions.
(Article designation "0R")

The film curtain has a light transmission of 1%.
Optimal use for glazing, which are oriented to the south, east, west.
(Article designation "1R")

The film hangings have a light transmittance of 2-3%.
Optimal use for glazing, which are oriented to the south, east, west.
(Article designation "2R")

The film hanging has a light transmittance of 8-10%.
Optimal use for glazing, which are oriented to the north.
(Article designation "10R")

Also available as variable systems!
All HAVERKAMP rollo films are also available as a whole system in our HAVERKAMP variable sun protection systems!

HAVERKAMP production process

HAVERKAMP sets high standards in the field of embossing films by using innovative manufacturing processes.
The proven calendering process, which guarantees high uniformity of the film, is additionally supported by state-of-the-art process and process control. The diamond embossing, a specially developed pyramid structure, ensures high film stability on the one hand and excellent and attractive appearance and transparency on the other. The optionally used Stabila and Wave cross embossing lend the film an appealing design due to its special texture and provide optimum stability and uniform appearance even with larger hangings.

Technisches Datenblatt - technische Informationen zur Anti-Beschlagfolie von HAVERKAMP
Technical data sheet
HAVERKAMP Roller blind films, vertical blind films and pleated films
Technisches Datenblatt - technische Informationen zur Anti-Beschlagfolie von HAVERKAMP
Product sheet


With the finishing techniques developed by HAVERKAMP in the calender embossing process, HAVERKAMP produces film hangings with high transparency as well as optimal winding and hanging behavior. Due to the high quality film processing HAVERKAMP has achieved a unique selling proposition on the worldwide market. Thanks to modern production machines, film hangings can be finished up to a width of 1.83 meters.
Thanks to state-of-the-art finishing technology, HAVERKAMP's multifunctional films combine both - effective sun and glare protection and transparency at the same time. The PET films not only enhance the appearance of sun protection systems, but also ensure an optimal room climate. 
The roller blinds also help to save energy. In summer, the heat from outside is reflected and in winter, the room heat is not carried outside through the window. This has been demonstrably confirmed.
HAVERKAMP's roller blinds and pleated blinds are available in rolls and can be used in any standard system without any problems. The integrated heat protection also ensures an ideal room climate. In addition, there is a B1 flame-retardant film variant.

HAVERKAMP film hangings can be used in a wide variety of applications due to the versatile properties of the film material:

  • Office spaces
  • Meeting and Conference rooms
  • Computer workstations
  • Living areas
  • Entrance areas
  • Hospitals
  • Medical practices
  • Schools
  • Lecture halls
  • Kindergarten
  • Care facilities
  • Retirement Homes
  • Public buildings
  • Shipping and tower areas

Our film hangings of the series "ST" are especially applicable in the shipping industry!

In addition, HAVERKAMP's curtain material can be manufactured with shielding properties, allowing laser and eavesdropping attacks to be intercepted by the film hangings.

Learn more about the function of our HAVERKAMP PROFILON® shielding foils

In addition to the smooth surface structure, HAVERKAMP film hangings can be refined by "diamond" embossing. In the diamond variant, the finishing technique called calender embossing, developed by HAVERKAMP, is used. This results in a higher durability and the film hangings are less sensitive. 
To give the curtain material a higher stability, the film is optionally pleated on both sides (=Stabila) or stabilized on one side (=Wave).

As one of the largest suppliers of film hangings, we can also flexibly process individual requests.

All HAVERKAMP film hangings can be easily cleaned with conventional recommended cleaning agents. They are also resistant to disinfectants.

Rollo films are calendered and made of polyethylene terephthalate (abbreviated PET). Rollo films are embossed to achieve better stability and uniform hanging behavior. This is micro-embossing and, optionally, the rollo film can subsequently be cross-embossed. In addition, the embossing techniques developed by HAVERKAMP achieve a coherent appearance.

In case of particularly high solar radiation, we recommend the use of a foil curtain, which provides high glare and heat protection. The film material used has excellent light transmission in the visible range, so that the curtain can also be used at computer workstations in accordance with workplace regulations.
For average solar radiation, we recommend the use of film curtains, which, despite heat and glare protection properties, hardly darken the room and thus provide incomparable transparency.

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